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<  News  ~  National Govt so far...

PostPosted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 7:08 pm Reply with quote
Posts: 1957 Joined: Mon Feb 28, 2005 9:49 pm Location: SwampWebsite:
Heard about this from punkas which I think was quoted from facebook ... 533&ref=ts
The National Government so far:
1: Let junk food back into school tuck shops
2: Stop the phasing out of inefficient incandescent light bulbs
3: Introduce a 90 day "probation period" for employees
4. Abandon minimum fuel economy standards for cars.
5: Abandon the commission to equalise wages between sexes for the same job
6: End local democracy in the Auckland Region.
7: Cut funding for adult education night classes just as a recession is taking hold
8: Increase funding for private schools.
9: Introduce "3 strikes" legislation, proved worldwide to actually worsen crime rates
10: Change New Zealand's stance on whaling without consulting the country
11: Put the issue of climate change on the back burner indefinitely
12: Rort the ministerial expenses system and get away with it.
13: Appoint Christine Rankin to the Children's Commission
14: 'Streamline' the RMA to allow for unfettered development.
15: Lift the ban on new thermal (coal and gas) electricity generation.
16: Repeal the biofuels sales obligation.
17: Refer to coal as 'sexy.'
18: Abandon the TVNZ charter
19: Propose to open up conservation land for mining
20: Introduce national educational standards in primary schools despite all the international research indicating they are a bad idea.
21: Propose cutbacks to the National Radio network and commercialisation of the Concert Programme
22: Raise GST to 15% while at the same time cutting the top tax rate
23: Proposed extensions to the 90 day probation period so that large companies will also have the ability to sack employers without giving reason.
24: Choose not to introduce a capital gains tax on people with investment properties, therefore continuing the absurd growth in house prices and rentals. (Offset this loss of potential revenue with an increase in GST & cutbacks on all of the above)
25: Halve the effectiveness of the Kiwisaver scheme by reducing employer contributions from 4 to 2%
26: Appoint Rodney Hide as minister of local government
27: Plan to cut 700 teaching positions from NZ secondary schools
28: Pass legislation to bulldoze parts of Mt Albert to build a new motorway.
29: Prepare ACC for privatisation.
30: Take a party who only got 2.2% of the vote as a coalition partner and let them call the tune.
31: Amalgamate government departments
32: (resulting in job losses) while claiming it's to
"improve services" rather than just to save money.
33: Deny the Dalai Lama an audience with the PM, after promising to give him one during the election trail
34: Abandon efforts to raise the minimum wage to $15 per hour
35: Cut funding for prisoner rehabilitation and reform groups
36: Allow heavier (up to 53 tonnes) and longer (up to 22 metres) trucks to operate on our roads.
37: Ignore suggestions from the Law Commission to move from a blanket "war on drugs" to a harm minimisation and education stance, resulting in a huge freeing up of police resources, among other things.
Maybe all this stuff should only affect people that voted for National...
not practical but a fair result I think.

Thrash n' Roll
PostPosted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 5:16 am Reply with quote
Posts: 327 Joined: Tue Mar 01, 2005 8:48 am Location: Peniston North
evil fucking bastards...

i mean CHANGE!!

PostPosted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 11:22 am Reply with quote
Posts: 534 Joined: Sun Mar 13, 2005 10:27 am Location: P-City HXC
I didnt vote for that cunt.

Would you like some making fuck BEZERKER!

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